
Connect with others in fellowship and embrace being together with others seeking fullness through Christ. Be part of a community that inspires, informs, and encourages one another.



Be equipped for ministry, for serving, and for loving your neighbors near and far. Then, join God’s work in the world.



Strengthen your mind, body, and soul and find opportunities and resources to align your life with and grow in Christ.


Welcome to Eastminster

At Eastminster, you can expect to sense God’s presence, God’s power, and God’s purpose. You will also feel the joy and warmth of the Body of Christ. We hope you will join us.

Summer Worship on Sundays:

  • Traditional Worship: 10:15am in the Sanctuary
  • Jubilee Contemporary Worship: 10am in Thompson Hall
  • Combined Adult Sunday School: 9am in Adult Reception Hall

Eastminster has a hearing loop on the floor level of the Sanctuary for hearing aid users. If you do not have hearing aids but would like an assistive listening device, pick-up a FM Hearing Assisted System at our Welcome Center.


Jubilee Worship Bulletin
(139.96 KB PDF)


Worship Anytime and Anywhere

At Eastminster, you will hear preaching that is both biblical and relevant to life today. Join us in-person or online. If you are joining online, you can watch live or watch past sermons through our sermon archive.

Watch Live

“Artists, Activists, and Pilgrims”

July 14, 2024

“Soon and Very Soon, We Are Going to See the King”

July 7, 2024

“She Endured Much, Spent All, but Grew Worse, and She Heard, Approached and Touched”

June 30, 2024

“Buen Camino! A Pilgrim’s Reflection”

June 25, 2024