Adult Evening Classes Readings & Resources

Beginning each Fall and continuing through Spring, adults are invited to Sundays@5, Wednesday Evenings at Eastminster (WE@EPC), and more to deepen their faith, knowledge, and understanding of the Bible as they grow together in God’s word.

Sundays@5 Classes:

Church-Wide Study led by Dr. Douglass Key-
Adult Reception Hall (ARH) on Sundays, Education Building Room 357 on Tuesdays
(September 8 – October 27)

Our focus will be Rick Lawrence’s book, Editing Jesus: Confronting the Distorted Faith of the American Church.
Join us in the Adult Reception Hall (ARH) as we regroup for a new year of faith formation and fellowship. A repeat of Sunday’s pm class will be held on Tuesday mornings at 10:30 a.m., in Room E-357 (Education Building) beginning September 10- through October 29.

Editing Jesus: Confronting the Distorted Faith of the American Church asks us sincerely and honestly, to confront the ways in which we have edited Jesus for our own benefit. We see Jesus, Lawrence claims, ‘through the tinted lens of our therapeutic priorities- tacitly demanding that He mold Himself to our expectations, neediness and existing belief systems.’- Through this study, we will encounter Jesus, the real Jesus, the Jesus that confronts our self-centeredness and intends to remake us. And in the process, we will rediscover the goodness and mercy of Jesus all over again and emerge with examined faith that is more robust and resilient than when we started. ” –
Dr. Douglass Key – Eastminster Today Aug/Sept ’24 Issue

Register for Sundays@5 Class

Register for Tuesday AM Class

Order The Book

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WE@EPC Classes & RSVP for WE@EPC Meals:

Bible 101 led by Dr. Brad Smith & Dr. Ben Sloan-
Adult Reception Hall (ARH)
(September 18 – November 20)
This class is for anyone who wants to learn or brush up on the basics of scripture. This is a wonderful “next step” for new members who have completed The First Step Class.

Register for Bible 101

Practical Tools for Raising Faithful Kids led by Dr. Douglass Key-
Christian Life Center (CLC) Rooms 271-273
(September 18 – October 30)

This six-week conversation equips and supports parents for the important work of nurturing the faith of their children. Research consistently shows that parents are the most influential factor in the faith development of their children. Faith in Jesus Christ lived out in families, leads to thriving churches with vitalized missions.

What are the common roadblocks parents face in talking about their faith with their children?  How do we share spiritual experiences together as families and engage our world as those who know, and testify, to God’s love in Jesus Christ?

Register for Practical Tools

Join us for WE@EPC Meals before Classes!

RSVP for WE@EPC Meals