Covenant Family Information & Service Record Form



    family would like to engage in the Covenant Family Agreement. I have reviewed the Covenant Family minimums of attendance, service, and giving, and I understand that, in order to receive priority admission and reduced tuition, these minimums must be met and continue to be maintained. I understand that these minimums will be reviewed yearly. I understand that it is the parents' responsibility to document these minimums using the following reporting methods: attendance must be logged using the friendship pads available during worship, service must be logged using the online submission form on the EDS website, giving will be recorded by the finance office. You will receive a quarterly giving statement. I understand that by submitting this form, I indicate our desire to participate as a Covenant Family.

    Eastminster Presbyterian Church Member Parent 1:

    Eastminster Presbyterian Church Member Parent 2:

    Enter only one record per person per service performed.

      Submit additional forms for additional services.