Daily Devotionals

Cast Your Heart

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Scripture:  “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to Me. Get away with Me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with Me and work with Me — watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with Me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” – Matthew 11: 28-30 (The Message)


I am tired. Flat out tired. Not only am I tired, but also I am discouraged. While I’m at it, I might as well admit it- I am angry. I’m about to mix two things I should not… religion and politics. 


Today I’m only focusing on one area of my angst — social media. All the memes and posts I see on Facebook with regard to others’ views on candidates are oftentimes just mean, and mean on both sides of the aisle. (If you’re unfamiliar with memes, a meme is a humorous image or text that’s spread quickly on the internet, and it’s usually meant to be funny.) When these memes and posts are put out there, quite often the message behind it is not meant to educate or inform; it’s often meant to belittle you and even shame you for your beliefs. That’s what is making me tired, discouraged, and angry. 


With all these forced messages of hate and division surrounding me, I remember Jesus and his unforced rhythms of grace. In my heart, I know I need two things to remedy my heaviness: 

  1. Get off social media. 
  2. Jesus.


Why are any of us even remotely tempted to think that Trump or Biden holds the power to unify and bring peace to our world? We have a Savior who is sovereign. We have a Savior who is peace. Jesus already knows the outcome of this political race. 


So, how would Jesus handle this political mess? In Matthew 22: 15-22 (The Message), we are given a glimpse of what Jesus would do:


“… The Pharisees plotted a way to trap [Jesus] into saying something damaging. They sent their disciples … to ask, ‘Teacher, we know You have integrity, teach the way of God accurately, are indifferent to popular opinion, and don’t pander Your students. So tell us honestly: Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not?’  Jesus knew they were up to no good. He said, ‘Why are you playing these games with Me? Why are you trying to trap Me? Do you have a coin? Let me see it.’  They handed Him a silver piece. ‘This engraving — who does it look like? And whose name is on it?’ They said, ‘Caesar.’ ‘Then give Caesar what is his, and give God what is His.’  The Pharisees were speechless. They went off shaking their heads.” 


Did you hear his message to you? “Give God what is His.” I will cast my vote, but I will cast my heart to God. Sure, vote for who you hope to win and who you think is the best for our great nation, but trust that Christ will work through whomever the president will be. I am praying. I am praying for peace and unity. I am praying for God to fill me with complete trust no matter the outcome. I am praying for us to be kind to one another and to love one another. 


God’s got this, y’all.


A Prayer (to say aloud): Thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth. Thank you for your sovereignty over our nation, our world, our universe. We are blessed to live in a “land of the free” and have a “home of the brave.” Breathe your peace upon us and bring unity to your people. Guide us by your Spirit to love you and to love others, no matter how they’re voting. We love you and we thank you. Amen. 

Submitted by Julie Hudson