Daily Devotionals

Do I Know You?

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Scripture:  “Your eye is the lamp of your body.  When your eyes are good, your whole body also is full of light.  But when they are bad, your body also is full of darkness.” – Luke 11:34


In September 1963, I walked into the halls of Walter Hines Page High School in Greensboro, NC. The only person I knew was my brother Gary, who was in the class behind me to graduate. The rest of the folks were strangers. We had just moved to town that summer from Munich, Germany, but I was not the only new face at school. Page and Bessemer High Schools merged that year, and that made a lot of strangers walking the halls between classes.


Being the son of an airline pilot, I had moved around a lot before I graduated from high school. One lesson my Dad taught me was, “Do not look at differences instead of what we have in common or unifies us.” That must have been the theme this September 2019 when The Page High Class of 1964 celebrated their 55th High School Reunion. In a club house in Greensboro on a Saturday in September, a group of gray-headed, wrinkled-faced, aging bodies gathered together to remember the good old days when we were younger and the world was brighter. We laughed, we shared stories of jobs, children, grandchildren, and often said, “ Do you know where so and so is?”


I have been reading a book by Doug Pollock, Evangelism Trainer for Athletes In Action. I love his quote – “They might be strangers to me, but they are not strangers to God.” The strangers I met in high school 55 years ago are now great friends. We share a common bond. Now that begs the question, “ What about the strangers I meet every day?” Do we not share a common bond? Can we not become good friends? Am I being intentional about loving the same people that God loves? 


In Luke 11:34, Jesus says, “Your eye is the lamp of your body.  When your eyes are good, your whole body also is full of light.  But when they are bad, your body also is full of darkness.”


Join me now in making our spiritual vision sharper. Let’s open our eyes to see God’s bigger picture and ask Him to guide us making strangers our new friends.


Prayer: Gracious Heavenly Father, let my heart break for that which breaks your heart. Let me love the stranger as much as I love the friend, as Jesus would do. In his Name, Amen.


Submitted by: Starr Lawson