Daily Devotionals

Seek God’s Wisdom Before Giving

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Scripture:  “So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.” – Psalm 90:12 (KJV)


Given all the events of this year, the recent reading of this verse seems particularly noteworthy.  It’s attributed to a prayer of Moses who knew he would not enter the Promised Land.  He is asking God to remind us of the brevity of our lives and to give us the wisdom to make good decisions today. How often I procrastinate to make those decisions. Those decisions to commit to our faith, trust in God’s faithfulness, and serve his Church just seem to be something we will get to, eventually.

A recent devotional I read used this same theme and referenced an old saying: “Life is like a coin. You can spend it however you want, but you only can spend it once.”  

Stewardship is about how we manage the lives and gifts God has given us — our time, our talents, and our treasure. How will we spend our “coin”?  Having served on the Stewardship Committee, I am grateful for the giving attitude of Eastminster, but I know that our potential is so much more.  We should all seek God’s wisdom, in a timely way, to guide our giving. Perhaps if your giving is not yet where you want it to be, you can develop a plan of incremental increases to meet your goal. 

Also, as 2020 and the virus remind us of our own mortality, use that prompting to consider Eastminster in your planned giving.  Many people are unaware that you can significantly reduce tax obligations in your estate by designating a portion of your inheritance to a ministry you believe in and care about. What a great legacy! 

Prayer:  Lord, teach us the brevity of life, so we will grow in your wisdom. Help us to make those decisions that are pleasing in your sight and grow your Church. Lead us to be good stewards of all you have given us. Amen.

Submitted by Andy Lowrey