Daily Devotionals

Called to Help the Least of These

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Scripture: “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” – Matthew 25:40

Driving down a country road in Haywood County, NC, we saw a dog sitting in the middle of the road. Not your typical urban dog who gets a shampoo and styling twice a month. No, this was a flea-bitten barnyard mutt who loves to hunt coon and the like. Concerned for his safety, we slowed down as we approached him. He did not move. I rolled down the car window and ordered him to move. He gave me a glance as if to say, “This is my choice to sit here; it is my neighborhood.” We left him sitting by the roadside in the afternoon sun.

How often do we come across a person standing on the side of the road with a cardboard sign that says, “Will work for food.” Or walking down the street, a shabbily dressed person approaches and says, “Do you have some extra change?” Do we give them any consideration, or do we cast them aside with our eyes? What would Jesus do?

The answer came to me through a devotional written by one of our church’s High School students in August. Our teenagers went to Chicago to be innercity missionaries. They left their comfort zone in Columbia and looked at the people and their needs in Chicago through the eyes of Christ. They discerned the need and worked with what they had to fill that need. While it may have seemed to be a small thing at the time, to the person being helped it was a very big thing.

Each of us has the capability to do one small thing every day. Start by listening to the Holy Spirit who is leading you. Respond to that still, small voice. Be committed to taking that first, small step, and before you know it, you will have completed a long journey of doing good in the name of Christ.

Prayer: Gracious Heavenly Father, lead me out of my comfort zone in order that I may be more aware of those in need in my neighborhood and beyond. Make me always look with the eyes of your Son, the Christ, at the least of these. Take my one step and expand it to do your will in my life. Amen.

Submitted by Starr Lawson