Upcoming Events
30 Mar

First Step Spring Class
March 30, 2025
10:00am - 11:00am
Room E-357 (Education Building)
Are you interested in learning more about the church? We invite first-time guests to learn more about what it means to be engaged in the life of Eastminster by attending our First Step Class. The First Step Class is a class for those who are interested in membership and learning more about Eastminster.
Classes are led by our ministers and staff, where they discuss who we are, our ministries, ways to get involved, and all Eastminster has to offer. At the end of First Step, those who are interested in membership will have an opportunity to meet with the Session and join the church.
If you would like to talk to someone about The First Step Class, email Lib Foster (lfoster@eastminsterpres.org) Membership & Outreach Ministries.
To register for our next First Step Class click on the REGISTER button below. We hope to see you on March 2, at 10 am, in Room 357 of the Christian Education Building.
Register Here