Upcoming Events
20 Mar

Transitions Third Thursday – AM Service
March 20, 2025
11:30am - 12:45pm
Missions Service and Benevolence (MSB) is excited to announce a new service opportunity on Third Thursdays at Transitions. Beginning on January 16, you will be able to volunteer to serve lunch. We’ll need about eight volunteers each Third Thursday.
Would you consider serving lunch at Transitions on the 3rd Thursday of the month from 11:30 AM to 12:45 PM?
Click the REGISTER button below to sign up. As your service day approaches, please pray for our friends at Transitions. Please dress conservatively and humbly. No shoulders, knees, or toes may show. Wear a ball cap or you will be issued a hairnet. Volunteers will need to arrive at Transitions by 11:30AM and park on the street in a metered spot or park at Christ Central, 2401 Main St.
If you have questions, please contact Becky Airheart, who is leading this outreach (bairheart@gmail.com).
Register Here