Who We Are

Eastminster Presbyterian Church of Columbia, SC
Eastminster Presbyterian was born on February 1, 1948, and since then, the Lord has blessed us and allowed us to grow. Today, we have a congregation numbering around 2,000 members evolving who we are. Our mission is to glorify God and enjoy him forever. At Eastminster, we are called together by God’s grace, and we belong to our Lord Jesus Christ and to one another. Empowered by God’s spirit, we bind our lives together by:
- Proclaiming the Gospel of Christ for the entire world.
- Demonstrating the love, compassion, and hospitality of Christ to all people.
- Providing opportunities for friends and neighbors to grow in Christian worship, fellowship, and discipleship.
- Dedicating our gifts, talents, and resources to Christ in meaningful stewardship or work.
- Excelling in Christian mission and joyful service for the glory of God.
United by the love of Jesus Christ, we gratefully come unto Him who is God’s greatest gift and our hearts’ truest home.

Download the Annual Review
(47.77 MB PDF)

Download the Dreaming and Discerning Report
(612.26 KB PDF)