Eastminster Endowment

The Eastminster Endowment was established to offer members and friends the opportunity to leave a legacy of faith for future generations by providing the opportunity to give to a variety of missions and ministries in perpetuity. The gifts will be distributed and allow the church to expand its reach locally, nationally and globally. Currently, the over $4 million endowment teaches truth to Eastminster members and the surrounding community, enables seminary students to pursue their call to a life of ministry, provides scholarships, enhances our property, and provides support and nurturing to families. See below for a list of our endowed funds, and click to give to the designated endowed fund.
Interested in how you can leave a legacy? Click HERE to view Eastminster’s Gift Planning Guide (2024).
- Eastminster in Action Fund: Established to encourage members to support Christ’s work in perpetuity. (50% Missions & 50% Church Ministry)
- Frank and Betty Harden “Reaching out with Love” Endowment Fund: Established in the memory of Frank and Betty Harden to support Christ’s work in perpetuity. (50% Missions & 50% Church Ministry)
- Dr. Joe Bryan Donaho Teaching Church Endowment Fund: Established in thanksgiving to God for Dr. Donaho’s encouragement and emphasis for Eastminster to equip and enable men and women to claim, develop, and use their God-given gifts in service to Eastminster and to the Church universal.
- The Robert B. Ariail & Patricia B. Ariail Marriage Enrichment and Support Endowment Fund: Established by the Ariails for the creation, support, or administration of programs or activities that enrich and support marriage.
- The Ariail Property Endowment Fund: Established by the Session in honor and memory of the Ariails for the purpose of maintaining the physical plant of Eastminster in perpetuity.
- The Ebersole Special Needs Endowment Fund: Established by the Session in honor and memory of Dr. Jim and Lou Ebersole for the purpose of providing support for the Special Needs program of Eastminster Presbyterian Church in perpetuity.
- Judy and Alec Chaplin Building Lives Endowment Fund: Established by Judy and Alec Chaplin for the purpose of assisting at-risk children, youth, and young adults in developing their God-given potentials in perpetuity.
- Youth Mission Scholarship Endowment Fund: Established to provide scholarships for Eastminster members as follows: youth ages 14-20, their parents, and chaperones of the church to participate in church sponsored overnight mission trips.
- International Student Scholarship Fund: Established by the church to provide support for International students.
- Wood Seminary Scholarship Fund: Established by Gettis and Mary Vin Wood to provide scholarships for Eastminster members who are attending seminary.
- Youth: Established by the church to provide scholarship assistance for youth to attend retreats and mission trips.
- Missy Boyd Eastminster Day School: Established by Austin and Barbara Boyd in memory of their daughter, Melissa “Missy” Blair, to assist EDS families facing unexpected hardships.
- Stradtman Memorial Seminary: Established in memory of Mr. Earl W. Stradtman to provide scholarships for Eastminster members attending approved PC-USA seminaries.
- Carolyn Holderman Family Nurture Accelerated Mission Fund: Created by Nancy and Dr. Brad Smith in memory of Nancy’s mother, Carolyn M. Holderman, to provide family nurture opportunities, or help women with children facing difficulties.

The Eastminster Endowment's Gift Planning Guide
(22.41 MB PDF)