How are they to believe in one of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone to proclaim him? And how are they to proclaim him unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!’
Romans 10:14-15
From Sunday School classes to Small Groups, our adult ministry provides ways to belong to a community that inspires, informs, and encourages one another.
Ways to Serve in the Adult Ministry
If you are looking for ways to come alongside others in their commitment to follow Jesus and nurture, educate, and disciple them, then you will find your place in the Adult ministry.
Small Groups
Nearly 600 men and women belong to Eastminster’s 60 Small Groups. Weekly, Small Groups study God’s Word, pray for one another, and serve the community. There are several types of Small Groups to join: Women’s, Men’s, Couples, or Mixed (for men/women any age). Led by member volunteers, each Small Group selects the day/time/location that suits their members’ schedules best.
Sunday School
Fireside Class
This is a group of mixed ages, both single and married with and without kids. Teaching responsibilities are shared between the two leaders, and occasionally class members, in a mix of lectures and discussions. We also enjoy outside social activities. Location: Christian Education Building, Room 353.
Joy Class
Our class is growing! We are parents of Middle and High School students and you are invited to join in! Our ages range from late 30’s to 50’s. We grow spiritually through group discussion and lively teaching, which is shared among a team of teachers, and helps us find the joy (and often humor) in all of life’s ups and downs, specifically in parenting, marriage, love, and loss. Location: Christian Education Building, Room 350.
In this class, you will experience fellowship, thoughtful consideration of the Gospel message, and the power of prayer, and you will see the Good News in action. This class is ideal for individuals and couples who want to study the Bible in a small class setting, is dedicated to Bible study and discussion and service. For more than 25 years, the class project has been the support of scholarships for students at Bethel Evangelical Secondary School (BESS) in Dembi Dollo, Ethiopia. Location: Christian Education Building, Room 355.
(FIG) Friends In Grace
For individuals between the ages of 30 and 35, this is the place for you. In this class, you will have fun, build foundational friendships, and pursue spiritual growth. Location: Christian Life Center, Room 271.
Gift Class
This class is mostly couples in their mid to late 30’s with young children ranging from toddlers through elementary school. Join this group and grow in faith together! The Gift Class enjoys discussing the lesson after the teacher has presented it. Along with meeting together on Sunday mornings, this class enjoys occasional social gatherings and service projects. Location: Christian Life Center, Room 273.
Grace Class
This is a class for young adults between the ages of 35 and 45 who want to think hard about their faith, be challenged by the Bible, and examine God’s purpose in the world and their place in it. Location: Christian Education Building, Room 269.
Sparrows Class
This is a co-ed class for individuals ranging from 40’s to 70’s. A sense of shared community is key to the Sparrows class. This class studies, reads, prays, shares, laughs, and sometimes sheds a sympathizing tear. Come join this evolving group of Sparrows! All are welcome. Location: Christian Education Building, Room 357.
Solid Rock
This class is a “solid” group of adults of all ages and marital statuses. This class grows in the Spirit consistently through reading Scripture, watching Biblical-based videos, and having lively discussions. Location: Christian Education Building, Room 358.
Spiritual Discoveries
This class ranges from age 40 and up, but all ages and new members are welcome. This is a lively group led by a team of teachers who encourage discussion. Join this class to grow spiritually through in-depth Bible studies and to grow relationally through service projects, social gatherings, prayer, and support for one another. Location: Christian Education Building, Room 351.
Ted Haigler Class
This class is ideal for men of all ages who desire a traditional Sunday School format in a smaller setting with ample time given for discussion questions. Location: Christian Education Building, Room 352.
Adult Classes
Beginning each Fall and continuing through Spring, adults are invited to Sundays@5, Wednesday Evenings at Eastminster (WE@EPC), and more to deepen their faith, knowledge, and understanding of the Bible as they grow together in God’s word.
Sundays@5 Classes:
Vanishing Grace Book Study- led by Dr. Douglass Key
Adult Reception Hall (ARH)
(January 12 – March 2)
In the book Vanishing Grace: Bringing Good News to a Deeply Divided World, author Philip Yancey proves to be a keen observer of the world, a deeply compassionate conversation partner with critics and co-workers alike, and a much-needed hopeful voice in the midst of chaos, alienation, fear, and misunderstanding. The public perception of the Christian faith does not have to be intolerance, judgment, coercion and ignorance. The world, he believes, is thirsty for grace, for mercy and conciliation; thirsty for exactly the kind of life that we know is on offer in Jesus Christ.
Order Vanishing Grace Study Guide
WE@EPC Classes & RSVP for WE@EPC Meals:
Bible 201- led by EPC Pastors
Adult Reception Hall (ARH)
(January 8 – April 9)
Finished with Bible 101 and ready to dig a bit deeper into scripture? This Winter, Nurture, Education and Discipleship (NED) will be offering a study focusing on The Gospel of Luke. Led by our pastoral staff, this class begins January 8 and will be held from 6 p.m. – 7 p.m. each week. Sunday sermons will also accompany this study.
Register for Bible 201
Join us for WE@EPC Meals before Classes!
Women's and Men's Ministries
All Eastminster women and men are invited to participate in the Women’s and Men’s Ministries.
Eastminster Presbyterian Women (EPW)
Through Bible Studies and events, the women’s ministry connects women of all ages, helps women grow in Christ, and equips women to go into the world and love like Christ.
- EPW Small Groups: Join a Women’s Small Group. Gather regularly with other women for Bible Study and encouragement, whether you are a wife, a friend, a mom, a grandmother, a daughter, a sister, or possibly wearing all of these hats – as busy women, we need a Christian support system. Join a Small Group today!
- EPW Circles: Circles meet monthly to study and compare scripture with other art forms to understand how it relates to the lives of Christians.
- EPW Events: Fall Gathering, Holiday Social in December, Sisters in Christ Dinner, Presbyterian Women Functions, Women’s Retreat, and more!
Learn More EPW Honorary Life Membership Nomination
Men’s Ministry
- Men’s Small Groups: Join a Men’s Small Group where you will gather together with other men, study God’s word, and be encouraged in your life whether you are a husband, friend, father, grandfather, or son. We need the support of other men as life comes at us fast. Join a group today!