Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it.
Proverbs 22:6
The Children’s ministry serves families with infants and children through grade five. Through weekly Sunday School, Children’s Church, and Children’s Choir, as well as through special programs and events, we want to guide and nurture children because it is our desire to see children grow in the full stature of Christ. We promise to teach stories of God’s love, to support families in faith, and care deeply for God’s children.
Helpful Tips
- Parents of children who are infants – 2K must bring their own bottles, sippy cups, and blankets. Label all items children bring.
- Parents should notify the Children’s Ministry Leadership Team of any allergies and people approved for pick-up as well as any changes in address and phone numbers.
- If you have any questions, contact Associate Pastor for Children and Their Families, Croskeys Royall.
To stay connected and informed, follow the Children’s ministry on social media!
We are committed to keeping children safe and in a secure environment. Learn more here.
Download our Protection Policy
Ways to Serve in the Children’s Ministry
You can plant seeds of truth in the hearts and minds of children by serving in the Children’s ministry. From every song you sing, game you play, snack you give, lesson you teach, or conversation you have with a little one, you have the opportunity to be used by God in the life of a child. No matter your comfort level around children, there is a place for you here; wherever you serve, whether the babies, children, or behind the scenes, we want you to love where you are serving.
Nursery (Babies-2k)
Infant nurseries are provided for babies and toddlers (12 weeks through 2 years) whose parents are attending worship services and/or Sunday School. Nurseries are open from 8:45am until 12:15pm. No advance registration is required. When you arrive, parents sign their children into their rooms by filling out the sheet available at the entrance to the nursery hall. Nursery rooms are in the Christian Life Center:
- Room 115: 2K
- Room 117: Toddlers
- Room 119: Infants
Sunday School (3k-5th Grade)
For children ages 3K through 5th Grade at 10am, Sunday School is a weekly educational hour to learn the stories of the Bible and what it means to be a Christian and a Presbyterian. Songs, memory verses, prayers, and creeds are incorporated in the teaching. Sunday School rooms are in the pre-k wing of our Administration building and the 2nd floor of our Christian Education Building:
- Room 104: 3K
- Room 105: 4K
- Room 107: 5K
- Room 251: 1st Grade
- Room 253: 2nd Grade
- Room 255: 3rd Grade
- Room 257: 4th Grade
- Room 259: 5th Grade
Children’s Church (3k-5k)
Children’s Church is an alternative to “big church” for children ages 3K to 5K. Children’s Church meets during the 9am and 11:15am worship services and includes prepared lessons revolving around a Bible story and craft. Songs and snacks are also shared during this time. Children in 3K may be dropped off before the start of worship, or parents can bring them to Children’s Church during the “Time with the Children.” Children in 4K and 5K should attend worship through the “Time with the Children,” and then they will be led from worship to their classrooms in the pre-k wing of our Administration building. Parents pick up at the conclusion of the worship service.
- Room 104: 3K
- Room 105: 4K
- Room 107: 5K
Worship Discovery (2nd Grade)
Worship Discovery is a 10-week training program for 2nd graders who review aspects of worship. Through group instruction, reading, art, and games, children are introduced to the Order of Worship in the Presbyterian faith, sacraments, sermons, seasons of the church calendar, elements of the Apostles Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Gloria Patri. Children who complete seven of the 10 sessions will receive a study Bible, which is presented to them on Palm Sunday during a worship service. If you’d like to register your 2nd grader, please contact Croskeys.
Children’s Choir (4k-5th Grade)
Eastminster Children’s Afternoon Music Program (E.C.A.M.P)
ECAMP, working in conjunction with Eastminster’s Children’s Ministry, was created to meet the spiritual and musical needs of its K4 – 5th Grade participants. ECAMP, which is comprised of Treblemakers (a musical group for children ages 2nd to 5th Grade) and JAM (a musical group for children ages K4 to 1st Grade) participants, meets in the Sanctuary on Sundays at 5pm for bible study, songs, and musical activities followed by dinner in the Sanctuary basement from 6:05pm – 6:30pm.
For more information on ECAMP, contact Stefanie Hammond.
Register Singers & Volunteer for ECAMP
Saved With Amazing Grace (S.W.A.G)
SWAG is a fellowship group for children ages 1st through 5th Grade that meets on Sundays once a month from 5pm – 6:30pm. SWAG follows a theme that is explored through music, fellowship, service to others, or a bible study.
For more information on SWAG, contact Associate Pastor for Children and Their Families, Croskeys Royall.
Drop-In Nursery (Babies-4k)
Do you need a little time to yourself? Whether it is to exercise at our Christian Life Center, run errands, clean the house, or just breathe, bring your children to the Eastminster Presbyterian Drop-In Nursery. Children ages 12 weeks to four years old are welcome. The Drop-In Nursery is open on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9am – 12pm. There is no wait list or long registration form, but there are many women ready to love on and help keep your children safe while you are away. The Drop-In Nursery is open to Eastminster church members and non-members.