Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
Matthew 28:19-20
The Membership and Outreach ministry embraces the scriptural importance of being together as the Body of Christ and provides a number of opportunities for Eastminster members and friends to gather for fellowship, food, and fun.
Fellowship: Ways to Serve in the Membership and Outreach Ministry
If you have a heart for connecting and building relationships with people or have the gift of hospitality, we invite you to serve in the Membership and Outreach ministry.
Wednesday Evening Meals
Wednesday night dinner is a casual time of dining before Wednesday evening church activities. Meals begin at 5:15pm in Thompson Hall.
Women's and Men's Ministries
Eastminster Presbyterian Women (EPW)
Through Bible Studies and events, the women’s ministry connects women of all ages, helps women grow in Christ, and equips women to go into the world and love like Christ.
- EPW Small Groups: Join a Women’s Small Group. Gather regularly with other women for Bible Study and encouragement, whether you are a wife, a friend, a mom, a grandmother, a daughter, a sister, or possibly wearing all of these hats – as busy women, we need a Christian support system. Join a Small Group today!
- EPW Circles: Circles meet monthly to study and compare scripture with other art forms to understand how it relates to the lives of Christians.
- EPW Events: Fall Gathering, Holiday Social in December, Sisters in Christ Dinner, Presbyterian Women Functions, Women’s Retreat, and more!
Learn More EPW Honorary Life Membership Nomination
Men’s Ministry
- Men’s Small Groups: Join a Men’s Small Group where you will gather together with other men, study God’s word, and be encouraged in your life whether you are a husband, friend, father, grandfather, or son. We need the support of other men as life comes at us fast. Join a group today!
Lightly Seasoned
Lightly Seasoned is a social group for singles and married couples in their 50s-60. It gathers three times a year in members’ homes. As many members transition to the “empty nest” stage of life, this social group allows space to build relationships.