Adult Evening Classes Readings & Resources

Beginning each Fall and continuing through Spring, adults are invited to Sundays@5, Wednesday Evenings at Eastminster (WE@EPC), and more to deepen their faith, knowledge, and understanding of the Bible as they grow together in God’s word. Sundays@5 and WE@EPC have ended for the semester.

Summer Study (June 2 – August 4) led by Dr. Douglass Key- “Embracing Westminster: The Westminster Assembly and Its Work.” Building off of Knowing Our Faith we are going to approach the Westminster standards as a lens through which to understand the particularity of Reformed/Presbyterian faith and practice. We will explore how the Westminster Standards (The Confession and Catechisms) came to be the central articulation of the Christian Faith for English speaking Presbyterians for almost 400 years.  Starting with the historical context of the Assembly we will move through the way the Assembly defined what scripture teaches us to believe and do as our only rule of faith and practice.  No one will be asked to memorize the catechism, but we will compare how the Westminster Catechism understands God’s presence and purpose in the world with the way other confessions and statements of faith have expressed our commonly held beliefs through the generations. Join us on Sundays at 9am in the Adult Reception Hall (ARH).