Adult Evening Classes, Readings & Resources
Beginning each Fall and continuing through Spring, adults are invited to Sundays@5, Wednesday Evenings at Eastminster (WE@EPC), and more to deepen their faith, knowledge, and understanding of the Bible as they grow together in God’s word.
Sundays@5 Classes:
Witness at the Cross Lenten Book Study- led by Dr. Douglass Key
Adult Reception Hall (ARH)
(March 9 – April 13)
In Amy-Jill Levine’s book, Witness at the Cross: A Beginners Guide to Holy Friday. During Lent, you are invited to experience the events of Good Friday from the perspective of those who watched Jesus die. The always thought-provoking Amy-Jill Levine never fails to challenge the things we thought we knew, while introducing us to new insights that open our minds to deeper appreciation and devotion to the gospel story. (You will be able to register soon.)
Register for Witness at the Cross
Lectio Divina- led by Rev. Emily Mooneyhan
Education Building (Room E-256)
(March 9 – March 30)
Consider joining us on Sunday nights during Lent for Lectio Divina, a topic recently touched on by guest speaker Niki Hardy at The Vine Women’s Retreat.
Lectio Divina or “Divine Reading” is an ancient spiritual practice that invites individuals to slow down and listen deeply to the Word of God. By reading Scripture slowly and meditatively, participants open their hearts and minds to the Holy Spirit, allowing divine wisdom to permeate their souls. The contemplative approach to Scripture fosters a profound connection with God, offering solace and peace in a busy world.
NED Bible Study- Revelation Study led by Emily Craig
Education Building (Room E-353)
(March 9 – April 13)
Sundays@5 Ladies Bible Study on Revelation will be led by guest speaker, Emily Craig. Emily is from Georgetown, SC, where she leads the Community Bible Study for people of all ages. Her audience of in-person and online attendees is over 300.
And while she is excited to see all of you ladies who will join her on Sunday nights, she is equally happy to visit her daughter, Meredith Rhodes, and her granddaughters, Rollins and Margot while she’s here. Join us for a new look at Revelations. We will meet March 9 through April 13, in Room E-353.
WE@EPC Classes & RSVP for WE@EPC Meals:
Bible 201- led by EPC Pastors
Adult Reception Hall (ARH)
(January 8 – April 9)
Finished with Bible 101 and ready to dig a bit deeper into scripture? This Winter, Nurture, Education and Discipleship (NED) will be offering a study focusing on The Gospel of Luke. Led by our pastoral staff, this class will be held from 6 p.m. – 7 p.m. each week. Sunday sermons will also accompany this study.
Register for Bible 201
Make Up Video for January 22
Make up Video for Ash Wednesday
Join us for WE@EPC Meals before Classes!