Online Pictorial Directory

About the Online Pictorial Directory (Powered by ShelbyNext)

Connect on a deeper level with your church family through our online pictorial directory that is powered by ShelbyNext. This online pictorial directory is for you, our church members, which provides you with secure access to the church directory. This exciting resource will be your one-stop-shop for getting to know your fellow church family members and will foster meaningful connections.

Log In to the Online Pictorial Directory

The Online Pictorial Directory is accessible exclusively by church members who have a valid email address that matches the one in the church database. We take your privacy seriously. Your personal information is secure and only basic contact details (name, email, phone number, address, and birthdate) are shared with other members. However, you have complete control over what information is visible by setting restrictions on what you would like viewed.

When you log in to the online pictorial directory, use your email address for your username; then, click Forgot Password to set up your own password. After logging in with your username and password, you are welcome to update your information by selecting the Your Info tab. Please note- your changes will be reviewed and confirmed by an Eastminster staff member before they are visible.

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Having Trouble Logging In?

If you are having trouble logging in, it probably means we need an updated or valid email address from you. Click the contact button below to send a quick message to administrative support, Janice Blair. She will get you registered in no time. Once your email address is updated, simply log in with your email address as your username and click Forgot Password to set up a secure password.

Now, you can access the portal and personalize your information through the Your Info tab where you can update your information. Please note- your changes will be reviewed and confirmed by an Eastminster staff member before they are visible.

Contact Janice Blair

First Steps Once You Log In

  1. Verify the information we have for you is correct.
    Once logged in to the online pictorial directory, you will land on the overview page. Click the My Info button to view your profile. To update any outdated information, click on the Edit tab. Type your new information in each field that needs to be modified. When you are finished updating your information, click on the Save button at the bottom. Please note- your changes will be reviewed and confirmed by an Eastminster staff member before they are visible.
  2. Upload a picture of yourself.
    On the “Edit” tab of your profile, you can easily upload a photo from your computer. This picture will be visible to others who can see your profile, so choose one that reflects your personality and is appropriate for a church setting. To ensure everyone’s face is easily recognizable in the online pictorial directory, remember to choose a picture where faces fill most of the frame and avoid excessive background space. If you have trouble uploading a picture or have any questions, please send an email to administrative support, Janice Blair.

Contact Janice Blair

What You Can Do in the Online Pictorial Directory

  1. My Info- View your profile (and family profiles, also known as your Family Tree).
  2. Edit- Keep your details up-to-date using the Edit tab. Remember, changes are reviewed and confirmed by an Eastminster staff member before becoming visible.
  3. Change My Password- To change your password, click on My Info and then the Account tab, and you will be able to set your new password. Do not forget to confirm the password! Finally, click Save at the bottom of the screen.

Need Further Assistance?

If you have further questions regarding the online pictorial directory, please contact administrative support, Janice Blair.

Contact Janice Blair