First-Time Guests
You are Welcome, First-Time Guests.
At Eastminster, first-time guests can expect to sense God’s presence, God’s power, and God’s purpose. You will also feel the joy and warmth of the Body of Christ. We hope you will join us!
Worship on Sundays:
- Traditional Worship: 9am & 11:15am in the Sanctuary
- Jubilee Contemporary Worship: 11:15am in Thompson Hall
- Sunday School Classes: 10am in Breakout Classrooms
Eastminster has a hearing loop on the floor level of the Sanctuary for hearing aid users. If you do not have hearing aids but would like an assistive listening device, pick-up a FM Hearing Assisted System at our Welcome Center.
Where to Go for First-Time Guests
Eastminster is located at 3200 Trenholm Road Columbia, SC. When you arrive, look for the “Guest Parking” spaces along Trenholm Road, and you can park on surrounding streets also. As you walk into the church, our Welcome Team will meet you and show you where to find the Sanctuary, Thompson Hall, Breakout Rooms, or the Children’s Ministry. If you need anything throughout your time with us, stop by our Welcome Centers or ask anyone wearing a “Greeter” name tag.
Find Your Community at Eastminster
Be a part of a community that inspires, informs, and encourages one another. With our enriching ministries for women, men, children, teens, those with learning differences, and seniors, everyone can find their place to belong at Eastminster. To learn about Worship, Small Groups and Adult Sunday School, Seniors Ministry, Children’s Ministry, Learning Differences Ministry, Youth & College Ministry, Women’s and Men’s Ministries, the Day School, and the Christian Life Center, click the Belong button below.

Traditional Worship Bulletin
(640.87 KB PDF)

Jubilee Worship Bulletin
(675.78 KB PDF)