Enrollment & Tuition
Eastminster Day School, a ministry by and to the congregation and community, was developed in response to the need for high-quality childcare in the Columbia area. The program accepts children ages six weeks to four years. Our school age program provides after school care for children kindergarten to 5th Grade. We recognize, however, that the need for this care far exceeds our capability to serve all interested families. Therefore, the following order for enrollment has been established:
- Children currently enrolled.
- Children of EDS who are Covenant Families with sibling(s) currently enrolled.
- Children of EDS with sibling(s) currently enrolled.
- Children of Covenant Families with no currently enrolled children.
- All other children in the community.
EXCEPTION: In the event a teacher needs to be hired and has a child who needs a space, priority will be given. This applies to church staff as well.
Enrollment for New Families
If you are a family in the community and you would like to enroll your child in the Day School, please come to our Enrollment Lottery. If a parent or guardian of a child cannot attend, you may send someone to represent you. You should attend the time slot based on the age of your child on September 1 (for example: the lottery is held February 2025, then you will attend the time slot based on your child’s age as of September 1, 2025). Except for newborns, children must have reached the appropriate age for their respective classes by September 1 of the year they enroll. In cases involving newborns, children must be six weeks old before enrollment in the program. If a newborn is not six weeks of age by September 1, registration and monthly tuition must be paid in order to reserve the child’s spot. The Enrollment Lottery is located in the Adult Reception Hall. Typically, there are balloons placed outside the doors so you know you are in the right spot. The Enrollment Lottery for 2025 will be held:
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
9:00 AM Infants
10:00 AM Toddlers (full time only)
10:45 AM Two’s (no availability for the 2025-2026 school year)
11:15 AM Three’s (full time only)
11:30 AM Four’s (no availability for the 2025-2026 school year)
11:45 AM School Age (no availability for the 2025-2026 school year)
If you are awarded a spot for the August 2025-2026 school year, you will need to pay the non-refundable $200 registration fee at the time of the lottery (cash or check). If you are not awarded a spot, you may fill out the waitlist application at the time.
Families interested in enrolling their child may put their name on the waiting list by downloading a form from our website and submitting it to our office by emailing it to eds@eastminsterpres.org. Names remain on the waiting list until the date of the next lottery. Even if you filled out the waitlist previously, you must resubmit it each year.
Our program operates on income from registration and tuition fees with additional funds occasionally provided through the fundraising efforts of the Eastminster Day School Parent Organization. Based on the financial needs of the program, registration and tuition fees are established annually by the Eastminster Ministry Team. A schedule of fees is provided to parents at the time of registration and enrollment. Tuition is due the tenth of each month in order to avoid a late charge. A registration fee ($200.00) is due at time of registration and is non-refundable.

Automatic Draft Authorization Form
(128.00 KB PDF)

Waitlist Information
(100.43 KB PDF)

Waitlist Application 2025-2026 School Year
(87.72 KB PDF)

Tuition Rates & Fees 2024-2025
(68.31 KB PDF)

Lottery FAQ
(76.36 KB PDF)

Tuition & Fees 2025-2026
(230.77 KB PDF)