Local Missions
Bradley Elementary Lunch Buddies
Through Bradley Elementary Lunch Buddies, volunteers can encourage a young person’s educational pursuits and serve as an additional adult role model. Eastminster sends volunteers, who attend lunch at Bradley Elementary, to spend time with a student and assist with reading skills.
Communities Helping Assisting Motivating Promising Students (C.H.A.M.P.S.)
CHAMPS is a program designed to provide promising students with a vision of their future and stimulate them to strive toward post-secondary education. Eastminster also holds a one-week Summer Program where students receive academic instruction and support, Christian-based character education, career exploration, and service learning.
Family Promise
Family Promise of the Midlands engages worship communities to help support the sizeable and sometimes unseen population of homeless families in our midst. Eastminster is one of the host churches that helps share the mission of helping these families become self-sustaining.
The primary goal of Transitions is to move people from homelessness to permanent housing. Various strategies and types of housing are used to help stabilize individuals living on the street and enroll them in services designed to stabilize their lives, increase their income, and help them secure permanent housing. Eastminster has volunteers who monthly make meals and serve meals at Transitions and there is a standing service opportunity every third Thursday of each month to make and serve dinner.
Footcare Ministry
Eastminster’s Footcare Ministry is back and in full swing and volunteers are needed! If you are interested, in serving, click “Learn More,” and if you want to see the ministry in action, click “Footcare Ministry Video.”
Bible “Doers”
Inspired by Hebrews 10:24, which says, “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works,” Eastminster’s Bible Doer Missions and Fellowship Group meets on the third Wednesday of the month from 6am to 8am. The group fellowships for an hour and then serves for an hour. Examples of service activities include but are not limited to: writing notes, cooking/preparing food for people in need, responding to the needs of local ministry partners, delivering flowers, writing devotionals, praying for people, raking someone’s yard, and so much more.
Cooperative Ministry
Cooperative Ministry is seeking volunteers to work as a receptionist at the front desk. If you are interested, use the “Learn More” button below to contact Rhemie Gantz, Volunteer & Reception Mgr – Cooperative Ministry.
Peanut Butter Sunday
The fourth Sunday of every month, church members donate Peanut Butter to help fight hunger in the Midlands; the Peanut Butter is donated to Harvest Hope Food Bank and the North Star Center of Hope Food Pantry.
Washington Street Soup Cellar
Every month, Eastminster sends volunteers to Washington Street Soup Cellar; the Washington Street Soup Cellar provides simple, nutritious meals to anyone in need.
Other Service Opportunities
Don’t see a service you are looking for? Contact Ben Sloan to learn more about other service opportunities.